Saturday, December 31, 2011

All of a sudden people are noticing that Ed Milliband is not the Leader some people (exclude me from this) expected him to be (is this a case of mistaken identity with brother David?) So much for the wonderful leadership election process Labour has. Brother Dave stood by astonished that something like this could happen to him!
Somewhere in the deep recesses of Cafe 102 (my local watering place) I heard a voice say that we should bring back Tony Blair.....Whoa..Whoa. One cotton picking minute I said...Wait...just maybe she was right...Just maybe...
Okay, Okay, before we resurrect Blair, perhaps we ought test it in court. I know people say he should be before the International Criminal Court at the Hague, But so too should others. Thatcher for example...remember the, my.....We have some of the greatest legal brains in the world living in the U.K, so why is it so difficult to bring these parties to court? Anyway, back to the business of resurrecting Blair...(or not)
The Spanish judge, Baltasar Garzon, who nailed the little ex-facist dictator of Chile, Augusto Pinochet(Pinochet is another who suffered an exterme rapid loss of memory), or one of his just and upright colleagues, should look again at Blair. Test it in court. If Blair is innocent of the charge let him stand for re-election of the leadereship... unless of course being a multi-millionaire he's too damn busy making der dosh to save the country...
So, where are we? Cameron is riding high in the polls. We are being shafted over the NHS (45% of hospital admissions can be private patients)...Give way you poor NHS patients for those bring der dosh into the 'business'.
And as for Blair...can anyone tell me how he can sleep at night? Perhaps he's reading Logan's Touch. (on Kindle I expect) that book caused a storm of protest in the USA when it was published where most Americand thought Ireland was a place just to play golf, the people were very short with funny hats and drank something very dark and quite unpronouncable...The the crap hit the fan on 911, and people remembered Logan's Touch and the IRA...suddenly it dawned on a few that terrorism is connected to the IRA..Wow a revelation! and all that dosh collected at the local Fire House in New York which went to Noraid....there was  a connection...and quietly, oh so quietly the collecting tins were removed...
But, let's get back to the leadership of the Labour the way is it still New Labour? Anway, forgive me for pointing it out yet again...Labour should be riding high, and we haven't got an effecttive leader...Yet!.
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