Sunday, January 15, 2012

Logan's Touch

Some years ago, in fact many years ago now, I was in hospital in a place called Santa Rosa, California. Now, you must be wondering where this is going, but bear with me, please.
It was one of those occasions that we now call 'life changing'. I was in the cardiac unit, a place to avoided at all costs. I was puzzled. For most of my life I had been very fit, I had served in the Royal Marines and done the commando course at a place called Lymstone in Devon England. (I mention this in my book Logan's Touch') I had also been a teacher of physical education in England...could run 20 miles without effort. But heart disease is insidious. However, thanks to three brilliant doctors to whom whom I shall be eternally grateful, Dr Greg Gullow, my GP in Sonoma, CA. Dr Stan  Mogelson, a cardiologist, and Dr  Keith Korver, surgeon. Without their intervention I would not be here. No kidding!
   And one more and I reach the point of my blog, but he wasn't a doctor. He was a cartoonist by the name of Charles Shultz. Okay he's famous. But he visted the cardiac unit regularly where he had had by pass-surgery. He encouraged patients, (like Henry V before the battle of Agincourt) Shakespeare, 'For forth he goes and visits all his hosts, bids then good morrow with a modest smile and calls them friend, brother'....I digress. he was a great hospital visitor, and in the unit, there were cartoons on the walls....a great guy, sadly no longer with us.
   I looked forward to his visits after my surgery, (I had a triple-by-pass)...we talked about Europe, Germany where he obviously had a connection....and he was interested in my past. Being in the field of child protection was close to his heart.... no pun intended. I had worked the streets of Liverpool, England, and later as a social worker ( this part part of my life will be published in Zen and the Art of Social Work later this year, 2012.).
   It was Charles who encouraged me to write. and here we are, some twenty years later, four books on and  with two others published in the USA, and two 'on the stocks' and a third being planned which involves yet another visit to Berlin. (This is a city, for some very odd reason I find fascinating. Everywhere I go I feel I have been there before. I cannot explain it...maybe on my return I will find the answer.
    I had a similar experience when visiting Stuttgart for my book, The Ghosts of KG40....In my book the old grammar school Eberhardt Ludwigs Gymnasium is featured, (a 15th century school, where two of the students were involved in the plot to assasinate Adolph Hitler, (also see previous blogs re Hitler family)  Graf Claus von Staufenberg and his brother Berthold. Coincidntly I picked up  the school's Blue Book, and Charles Shultz's name is in it....another book, Fred Uhlman's 'Reunion' is a brillant book about the school before the Nazis came to power. Persecuted by the Nazis Fred later left Germany for the USA, where he had a career in writing..
    So, the circle is nearly complete. it remains to be see where I go from here...maybe that archaeological dig in Leicestershire at the site of Richard the third and Bosworth, The battle of Bosworth....(the real site is a mile up the road by the way!) or Azicourt, my favourite (Agincourt to every Englisman) ;We Few, we Happy Few. We band of brothers'. I think Bill Shakespeare got it right, don't you!       tweet  @leslunt.

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