Sunday, April 22, 2012


So, how many noticed the spelling mistake in my last blog? Well, I can tell you, 123 and the mistaks? Barbican...that place in Plymouth where the Pilgrim fathers set off for the New World. However, all I can do is blame it on my recent cataract operation...I am pleased to say not only has my eye sight improved, I can now read without glasses...amazing.
  I don't often have a rant, but on this occasion I feel justified. I had a slight muscle injury through happens occasionally. So, armed with the knowledge that Ibuprofen eases the muscle ache...Into Boot's  Pharmacy in Plymouth, Devon, and was told the cost was £4, 20 for a small pack of 400 mg strength tabs. Whoa, whoa, wait one cotton pickin' minute. How much I wailed?. Nah....cheaper in the Co-op... I walked down the street and bought 24, 200 mg tabs for 72 pence. Boots, have been found guilty in my court, and the Co-op....pass on every count. Message, I shall give Boots Pharmacy a miss.
   Had breakfast in a place mentioned several times in my book The Mystery of Conan Blake... in Honiton, Devon. Just as it was in my book, (my agent and I had a working breakfast there) it is the best coffee in town, beats Costa...and cheaper.....Costa's 'Flat White' is Aussie....or tries to be. The reason they just haven't got it, it's just as I mentioned in my book: Conan... I mentioned the coffee bar in the Berlin, Humboldt University. The young person who operated the coffee machine operated it like a maestro. If only we could emulate the Spanish and Germans...and the French...?
  I think I had better point out, I have no business connection with Cafe Bar 102, except that it has  atmosphere and those running it are polite, and professional. Nuff said on the matter.
   This year there is a special interest in the Battle of Britain, that battle fought above the skies of the southern  and eastern counties of England. I mentioned part of the Battle in my book, A Hurricanes Tale and my new book, working title: The Battle of Britain, sub title..St Crispins Day 25th October 1940. If you should ever go to the church on Biggin Hill airport, (an ex-Battle of Britain base). Look at the memorial window, dedicated to the pilots who fought from Biggin Hill or as it was known, 'The Bump'. There is a quote from Shakespeare's, Henry V. We Few, We Happy Few..  To be published in June. My book is a follow up to A Hurricanes Tale.
Just checkin' the time, is it 15:03 on Saturday or is I suppose I could ask  the Home Secretary...!

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